Marius Bernard
Passionate about music and languages, I studied German in France, and in parallel I had a training in opera singing and traditional singing. After my first year as a German teacher, I quickly realised that singing would determine the rest of my life, even though my love for the German language has not diminished at all. On the contrary, it even led me to Berlin later on. I spent the next three years exclusively with music, as a singer in my band, as well as in various operas, operettas and classical concerts.
In the course of my musical career, I often had to challenge myself. As a result, I gained a lot of experience. An example :
After my time at the conservatory, I found that seemingly simple and natural gestures, such as breathing, were still difficult for me while singing.
I had a thousand images in my head that were supposed to help me sing well and I couldn't really relax. Everything that was happening in my body was foreign to me.
During my two pregnancies, I discovered prenatal singing and thus the world of psychophony. Learning about this method was an epiphany for me, as it allowed me to relearn everything about singing in a more purposeful and accessible way.
Training in prenatal singing with Corinne Pépin, as well as training as a psychophonist with Guy Bourgois, have shown me that one can have control and choice over one's voice, and that body-aware and autonomy-enhancing learning strongly supports self-confidence and well-being.
My transition from 2020 on and its associated voice break were a new occasion to experiment with my voice and redefine myself freely thanks to everything I already knew.
Since 2016 I have been bringing future parents, babies, children and adults to sing. I have had so much joy and learned so much during these years with you. I am so happy to keep on sharing my knowledge and experience and developping further with each and every one of you.